This container held 1600,biscuits. It was packaged in the Spring of 1963 when there were bomb shelters to take refuge in the event of a nuclear attack. The label indicates that it weighed 18 lbs. and that there are 89 biscuits per pound.
Past Weeks
This book about the Borough of Paramus during the last 100 years was written by Fritz Behnke. Fritz was Borough Historian for many years, having been born and raised here. He owned a farm in Paramus. The book in available for purchase at the Museum
In 1976, in honor of the country’s 200th anniversary, Paramus established a Bicentennial Commission to plan events throughout the year. One commission member Judy Jonas, was a amateur quilter who organized this quilt. Schools, the library, fire & police, scouting troops, and other civic organizations contributed patches to the quilt
One of the almost 40 gas stations that existed in Paramus in the 1930’s – 40’s.
This photo shows the very first building built 100 years ago for Bergen Pines County Hospital now known as New Bridge Medical Center. It is said to have contained 30 beds and to have been constructed in 3 weeks.
The cement building blocks produced by this company were the standard set by many architects who specified that they be used on their projects. The company was located on Route 17 in the area where the Dick’s Sporting Goods Store and Michael’s are currently located.
This patch worn by members of the Paramus Roller Rink Figure Skating Club
This is a photo of the original Santa Claus at the Garden State Plaza that stood in the northeast parking lot facing Route 17.
This toy unit crane truck was popular in the 1950’s. It was manufactured by the the Doepke Company.
Designated in 1920 as NJ17N, a road from Newark to Suffern, NY, it was named Route 2 in 1928. It was renamed Route 17 in 1942 for defense purposes during World War II. . The original cloverleaf was completed in 1932 and was then replaced by the flyover ramps we see today in 1998
This building was a one room school house until Paramus built 2 new schools in 1944. Now used as the Charles E. Reid Branch Library that opened in June of 1994, the photo shows the sign over the entrance when it was used as Paramus Police Headquarters and Paramus Court.